Our Clients
FOG BANDIT has been on guard 24/7 to protect various businesses and premises across Australia and worldwide while the owner sleeps peacefully knowing that our Bandit System is awake.
Businesses like Financial Institutions, CViT and Cash Processing, Bullion and Jewellery, Retail, Warehouse Distribution, Leisure, Public and Residential sectors are all examples for FOG BANDIT applications.
Who can benefit from this State-of-the-Art Technology
Retail Asset Protection
Food and wine, supermarket convenience, newsagents (tobacconists), electronic outlets, clothing, luxury goods and accessories, mobile phone shops, sports shops, machinery etc.
Valuables Protection
Jewellers, Pawnbrokers and Bullion Room risks, Art Houses and Antiques – 24/7 protection
Petrol Forecourts
24/7 protection of cigarettes and other assets
Bingo halls, game machine arcades, public houses, Audio Visual
Business IT and Data Rooms, computer labs, chemical labs
Motor Cycle and Car Showrooms ,Domestic Asset Protection